During this seemingly endless plague that has descended among us, three members of our collection lost their nearest, dearest, and holiest one: their mother. Still trapped in the chains of grief, we can only find ourselves in the blackest Sevdah.
It’s been hard to sing about beautiful and happy things these last few months. Actually, it is hard to sing at all.
We remembered, while immersed in deep memories, a very dear song whose notes were the last to be written on our first studio album: Uspavanka.
It is the song of the gentle tradition of mothers singing lullabies at a whisper to accompany their dear children into sleep.
Now we sing these notes for our mothers, and for all the beloved ones who were eternally lost in this grey time.
Let us be there for each other, love each other more than ever. Let us be smart and wise. And let this pass.
Do not forget: Sorrow is a teacher of wisdom.